Thursday, September 25, 2014


Don't forget that tomorrow is the JHS Homecoming!  Students at JJHS can wear their mums and garters after lunch on Friday! 



Also don't forget that picture day is coming up October 7th!

Pep Rally

Pep rally days are so much fun!  We had a great time with the "Nerd" theme!  The teachers and students also had a BLAST in the "Wrap Race"!  Check out the pictures!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lunch Bunch Starts Tomorrow!

I am so excited to do "Lunch Bunch" groups again this year.  Our first  group is for students who are new to Jefferson ISD.  We will get to eat lunch together once a week for the next six weeks of school and talk about how things are going for all of our new students.  Topics of discussion will be things like making new friends, ways to get involved, obstacles to overcome, and many other things that go along with being new to a school.   I hope this makes all of our new students feel right at home and know that we are so glad they are at JJHS

Progress Reports

The first three weeks of school have flown by!  Today students will be bringing progress reports home to show off how hard they have been working these first few weeks of school.  



 Don't forget tonight is 


 5:00-6:30 PM


 We hope that you will stop by and check out all of the GREAT things happening at JJHS this year!