Thursday, December 5, 2013

Holiday Fun!

I found some fun holiday games students might like to play.  They will have so much fun that they probably won't even realize they are practicing many math skills!  Check them out below.



Monday, December 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!  Those nine days off sure were nice, but I loved seeing all of the students’ smiling faces this morning.  Tomorrow our 8th graders will be taking the ACT Explore test.  If you are an 8th grader make sure that you go to bed early tonight, have a good breakfast in the morning, and get to school ON TIME!  Once the test has started students who are late will not be able to take the test that day.

ACT Explore is designed to help 8th and 9th graders explore a broad range of options for their future. Taking ACT Explore as an 8th grader tells students things that they need to know to plan their high school courses, prepare for the ACT Test, think about college, or choose a career direction. ACT Explore includes four multiple-choice tests: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Students’ skills in these subjects will make a big difference in school and, eventually, in their career. Their ACT Explore score report will help identify their strengths and areas where they need improvement.  Once we get our test results back I will go into the 8th grade classrooms and go over those with the students. 

Although this is a busy and exciting time of the year please remind your student that we have three weeks left in this semester and encourage them to keep working hard!